Jesus and Children!

Question: Will all the little Children of the world be taken out at the time of the Rapture, or will they be made to stay and go through the Tribulation with the adults?


This is a difficult one to answer with certainty!

What is certain, is that all Children are innocent until a certain age, when they can perceive sufficiently to make decisions; which are usually influenced by their parental experiences!

As they are born into the state of sin which is the result of Adam and Eve’s “Fall”; the only focus they have is their parents experience; so although they will be angry or resentful as is normal in the condition of living; they have not consciously rejected Almighty God, or Christ Jesus; because they are not cognisant of such an advanced mental and emotional process!

I am personally of the view that Children of parents that are Christians; and those parents are “looking for the Lord’s return”; are in a state which gives them cover for the duration of their existence, until the time that they become “to the age of responsibility”; as the Bible calls it!

What you may say, then happens to other Children not covered by their parent cover?

IMO; which is probably unconfirmed by the Bible; they await their death Jurisdiction; and whether they have made a decision for Jesus the Christ.

What seems to be firm knowledge, is whether their names are in the “Lamb’s Book of Life”, which if they are, they are destined for a place in Heaven, according to Rev. 20:11–15!

IMO; all terminated pregnancies are treated in the same way; as all life is in the “Lamb’s Book” until it is deliberately taken out by Almighty God; and His decision would be based on His knowledge of the “Beginning to the End”.

What is comforting, whatever the truth, are the Words of Jesus re. Children: “Suffer little Children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”!


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